Sis. Hills in the furthest left woman. This was taken in front of the Sao Paulo Brazil temple. |
I love Brazil. Sao Paulo is probably the coolest city ever. There are tons of neat building that would never get built in the US cuz they're defnitely not stable, but they're cool. The food in the CTM is a lot of meat and rice and beans. Also the fruit is DELICIOUS! You would love it.
Here's my daily schedule:
6am -- Rise and Shine
7am -- Desjejum (breakfast)
7:30 -- Estudo Pessoal
8:30 -- Tempo com Instrutor
11:30 -- Estudo com Companheira
12:45 -- Almoco (Lunch)
13:30 -- Tempo com Instrutor
16:30 -- Estdo Idioma
17:15 -- Jantar (Dinner)
18:00 -- TALL (language study)
19:00 -- Actividade Fisica
20:10 -- Estudo Adicional
21:00 -- Lanch (Snack)
22:00 -- SLEEP
My companion is Sister Moore. She's 25 and from Pennsylvania. The Portuguese is going really well. Some because of my Spanish but mostly because of the Lord blessing me. The gift of tongues is REAL. We go to the temple on Fridays and it's the Sao Paulo temple. We only get to do Initiatories and Endowments.
I want to tell you something I learned while teaching one of our investigators. So I have always loved the story of Enos. He is awesome and the fact that he prayed for so long is inspiring. My thought that I had was about how God answers prayers. God didn't answer his prayer until after he had prayed ALL day and ALL night. How hard would that have been to have prayed for so long and not have gotten an answer after the first hour or two. But, Enos endured and received wonderful blessings because of his faith in Christ. I know that this is true for all of us. Sometimes it seems like God is not answering our prayers, but we need to keep faith and just keep praying.
We had some pretty cold days, but my cardigans were enough to see me through. I am so glad Maren is a dress person. It's honestly a lot easier to be modest with them. I am so thankful that Nate was able to find a place to live. I pray for you guys all the time. I am so glad the Lord is blessing you for your tremendous sacrifices. I know I am so grateful to be here. I know it's what the Lord wants me to do.
Love you all! -- Job 23:10
Sister Abbie Hills