
Monday, October 7, 2013

Update: October 7, 2013

Meus Caridos Pais!

Eu amo vocês muito e oro por vocês cada dia! 

This past week was fun and exciting, but incredibly difficult. We had the treinamento dos novos missionarios this past terça-feira (Tuesday). Presidente Pinho is MARAVILHOSO! I had a really good conversation with my friend, Sister Doman, this week. We talked about talents and differences in personalities. In 1 Coríntios 12 it talks a lot about comparing the Church with the human body. Each part has a specific function and a body would not be a body if every part was a foot. Sabe? Ok. The Lord has need of EVERY one of His children. 

This week we went to an asilo (old folks home) as a service activity for the Relief Society. Sinceremente, it was really sad. These people have next to nothing and some of them arent even old. Their families put them there because they have special needs. They sleep in a huge room with about 30 twin size beds. The residents there became muito feliz quando nós cantamos para eles. God loves all of His children, and eu sou muita grata for the opportunity that I had to serve them.

In my personal study this week I am reading in Mosías. I noticed something that I had never noticed before. In the story of Rei Noé, toward the end in chapter 22 I think, there is a man named Gideão who is trying to kill the king, but the lamanitas come and attack the city so he spares the life of the king. Fast forward two chapters and this man, Gideão, is pleading with Rei Lími to not take his people to war. This is after they have been in captivity for a while as well. I love this. The Gospel can truly soften the hearts of every person who will give head to the boa palavra de Deus. 

Maria Eliegene was not baptized this week, but her baptism will the 12th of Outubro. She is a delight, sinceremente. She is a former member of the Igreja Universal so she likes to clap her hands and say things like <As tres forças divinas!> She has such incredible faith in the Savior. 

Carlos Gabriel was uma referencia dos Élderes. He is 13 years old and loves soccer and the internet. However, God truly prepared him and he should be baptized this Sunday. He already knew lots of the members from school so we had Uriel (membro) come with us to talk about O Livro de Mórmon. I love working with the members here. They are so willing to help!

We taught a super-special family this week. Cledi, Luciano and Ingrid are friends of a few of the families in our ward. They came to church TWO times before we had a chance to teach them. Here in Brasil, that practicalmente NUNCA acontece. We taught the lesson sobre a Restauração do Evangelho and it was so beautiful. The pai, Luciano, cried during the lesson. Cledi and Luciano têm dois filhos: Ingrid (9, and reminds me of Claire) and Gustavo (6). Ingrid and Gustavo stopped their parents car once because they saw me and Sister Hamburgo enter the supermercado. They are FOFO DEMAIS! (too cute) The parents and Ingrid are going to be baptized on the 19th.

Sister Hamburgo and I fizemos contato na rua com um casal: Amanda e Robson. They are super great and get this: they are already married LEGALLY! In the rua when we made contact Amanda said that she had been waiting on a blessing in her life. She suffers from ovarian cists. The one she has right now is 33cm. She has a lot of pain. She and Robson are really young, but they love every time we talk about the gospel. They said that they always feel peaceful and we said that it was because of the Spirit. They are going to be baptized on the 20th. 
Com Amor,
Sister Abbie Hills

Update: September 23, 2013

This week we had a lot of joys and a lot of trials. One of the recent converts of Sister Hamburgo and Sister Gonçalves has been missing for over a week now. Her name is Nayara and she has some difficulties mentally. Pray for her! 

I passed the two month mark! It is crazy how fast time flies! We went out with various members this week and I am so thankful for their help. We taught a woman named Regina the first lesson. She is super fun and loves to talk. Unfortunately, she moved somewhere in our area and we havent been able to find her. 
Boas notícias! Maria Eliegene is going to be baptized this Saturday. She is a super sweet old lady who is the mother of a recent convert in our ward. She has a lot of faith and has been baptized three times in different churches. I just love talking to her. 

We met a wonderful woman and her family this week. Joana is the mother of three children: Lucas (14), Livia (11) and Daniel (4). Daniel is autistic, but so smart. He doesnt talk and has been sick this past week. We went by with a woman in our ward named Gina, who is a convert of about one year. She was absolutely fantastic and helped Joana make food and held Daniel for her so she could talk. Lucas and Livia are good kids. They all were going to go to church, but Daniel had diarreia so that didnt work out. Joana is so great and has suffered a lot being a single mother. The light of the gospel has definitely made her more happy.

We went to the temple this week. It was so wonderful. I got to see some of my friends from the CTM. I love going to the temple so much. I always come away from it feeling renewed and peaceful.  

Thanks for all of your prayers and I love you all so much!

Com Amor, 
Sister Abbie Hills